Monday, December 15, 2008

A Beginning Of Sorts...

Today is the day. My first blog post.

I have never really thought of myself as the type to have a blog. I tried having a livejournal once, but I found that I was more interested in reading about other people's lives than actually posting about my own, which is selfish I feel, so I stopped checking it. In fact, it may still be out there, blocking up the Internet. I'm really not sure.

However, I feel like I am at a point in my life where I may or may not have consequential things to worry about. Major career decisions, life changes, etc. And I know that many of my friends are also in the same boat. The amount of weddings I have been invited to in the past couple of years has definitely increased exponentially. So, I decided that I would try to write down some of these thoughts and worries in the hope that it would help me along the way, but also resonate with some of the people I know. Plus, it's good to get some practice writing in case I decide to have a quarter life crisis after I'm done with grad school and do something writing related.

So welcome to my blog. I'll hopefully be discussing science I'm interested in, thoughts about careers in science, and anything else that tickles my fancy (like old fashioned colloquial sayings). I hope you enjoy and comment with any thoughts of your own.


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